Saturday, 21 May 2011

ll command

Brief: This command is used to list the detail information of files and folder of a current directory

Syntax: ll

Command: ll

ls -l command is equivalent to ll command . This command is used to get detail information about files and directories in present working directory.


-a : This parameter list all the hidden files and directories along with non-hidden files/directories in the present working directory. It also include . and ..

-A : This paramater is same as -a but does not display . and ..

-l : This paramater is used to print the files and directories of present working directory in detail. It displays the permissions, owner, group, created on, last used details along with file name.

-t : This paramater list the files with last modification time.

-r : This paramter list the files in reverse order.

-R : This parameter list the content of sub directories also.

-c : This is the default parameter and list the files in multiple columns.

-1 : This parameter list the file in one column.

-p : This paramter appends a slash character at the end of directories. It can be useful for distinguishing files and directories.

Important Examples

1. ls -l or ll command displays information in following manner.

PermissionsDirectoriesGroupSizeDateDirectory or file
drwx------2users4096Nov 2 19:51mail/
drwxr-s---35www 32768Jan 20 22:39public_html/
-rw-------1users3Nov 25 02:58test.txt

2. ll a*
Displays detail info of all files/directories  with names starting with letter a.

3. ll *.txt
Displays detail info of all files/directories with extension txt. i.e. all text files are displayed.

4. ll -ltr
Displays detail info of files and directories in reverse order of last modification